
The Shroudrose Teahouse and Speakeasy is a cozy teahouse and bar nestled within the Lavender Beds of the Twelveswood, serving a wide array of beverages and snacks and selling their own specialty loose-leaf blends of tea. At least, that is what is most publicly known. Whispers tell that the establishment also serves as a front for an information brokerage and private investigations business. Secrets, lies, rumors, intrigue... what is it that you are seeking, or selling, perhaps? Pay us a visit and spill the tea--or just enjoy a warm drink and some pleasant company!

General Rules

These rules are expected of everyone in our FC and Discord, our affiliates, anyone in attendance at our events, and anyone presently on our FC property. Failure to abide by these rules can result in removal from our FC, Discord, and any other Teatime related spaces, blacklisting from our events, and being banned from our FC estate.

Rule 001.

  • Be polite, mature, and respectful

Keep discussions civil. No politics, religion, or sensitive social issues are to be discussed in any FC related chat. We do not tolerate drama such as passive aggressive behavior, naming and shaming, gossiping and spreading rumors, lying or manipulating others, intentionally provoking others, harassment, or trying to undermine the leadership and our decisions. If you have issues with another player and cannot sort it out, you are welcome to avoid/ignore them and blacklist/block them if necessary. Feel free to reach out to a member of our leadership if you need help regarding another player.

Rule 003.

  • Be accepting of everyone

Be respectful of everyone's identity including race, sex, gender, age, sexual preferences, religion, disability, nationality, class, background, culture, and similar factors. Discrimination will be taken seriously. Hate speech and slurs are never tolerated, nor is the fetishization or stereotyping of anyone's identity.

Rule 005.

  • Keep things neat

Please proofread your posts for typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors that may make them too difficult to understand. Don't spam/flood chats or interrupt/derail another conversation. Try to keep channels on topic in Discord and feel free to make a thread when appropriate. Please do not abuse pings in Discord. Use appropriate @ Roles when pings are necessary and avoid @everyone or broader roles when possible.

Rule 007.

  • only tasteful nsfw content

Our NSFW channels are still focused on FFXIV content. Real life nudes or discussions of anyone's sex life are not allowed. Characters belonging to any other player who are depicted must have given their consent. We ask that you avoid fetishes, characters, and content that may be upsetting to others or breach Discord's Terms of Service. Please view the pinned messages in the NSFW channels for further guidance.

Rule 009.

  • Communicate with the leadership

We cannot read your mind! Please let the leadership know if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, complaints, or other feedback. We cannot see everything (even if we are online, we may be busy, afk, or tabbed out). If an issue happens and is not addressed by us, it may be because we didn't notice or we may already be dealing with the matter privately, rather than that it was ignored/permitted. Please contact us if there are any problems. Please take SCREENSHOTS if possible.

Rule 011.

  • Represent us well

These rules loosely extend to the rest of your interactions in the XIV community including in game interactions with others outside the FC, your search info and carrd, FFXIV related social media or accounts tied to your FFXIV identity, and potentially anywhere you could be linked to us and/or seen by a member of the XIV community. Please be mature and respectful to all players. Do not troll others in the community or grief events. Don't spam emotes or skills near others in game, particularly anyone trying to RP. Be courteous to the people around you.

Rule 002.

  • We are not a dating site

Unwanted flirtation or sexual advances toward others OOC or IC will not be tolerated, and we reserve the right to remove members who seem to only be present for the purpose of IC or OOC dating, sexting, or ERP. If you are involved with another player, please keep rule 001 in mind and keep any potential drama stemming from your relationship out of the FC or you will be held accountable. Absolutely no inappropriate contact with minors or sexual harassment of any kind will be tolerated inside or outside the FC.

Rule 004.

  • Rated T for Teen

Our community is for players 16+ and over. You may encounter profanity and sexual innuendo, and content with themes of violence, alcohol, and other mature topics. Graphic conversations, gore, nudity, erotica, and images with sexual themes are to be shared only in the appropriate 18+ NSFW channels. Exceptions are not made for "mistells;" be careful.

Rule 006.

  • Feel free to take initiative

If there is something you would like to see/do within the FC (an RP event, a PvE static, etc.), bring it up! Someone may step up to the plate or be willing to collaborate with you! The leadership will do what we can to assist and support you, but we are not always able to run every event for the FC or implement every idea ourselves. We appreciate everyone's ideas and assistance.

Rule 008.

  • Maintain a positive environment

Complaining and venting are okay, and we are glad to lend an ear and give support or advice. However, please do not make a constant habit of it, be it complaints about your real life or the game, guilt-tripping, or constantly putting down the interests and opinions of others. We are striving for a positive environment. Keep the negativity to a minimum.

Rule 010.

  • Leaving the FC & removal

We do not like to have a revolving door. If you leave the FC or our Discord server, you will be re-evaluated if you ever wish to return. Re-entry is not guaranteed, especially if you have already been allowed to return once. If you are removed for rule violations or you violate our rules on your way out the door or after leaving, you may be removed from our Discord server, denied rights to "visit," and even banned from our public events permanently.

Free Company Rules

Rules that apply solely or specifically to full members of our in game free company. Some rules may apply in part to Discord guests at the leadership's discretion.

Rule 001.

  • FC Actions

FC actions are buffs that apply to all members of the FC for twenty-four (24) hours. We can have two actions active at a time. All members of the FC can activate FC actions. Please take your fellow FC mates into consideration before you activate a buff. If there’s an action you’d like that isn’t currently purchased or if we are out of actions, let an FC officer know.

Rule 003.

  • Identification & Transparency

Please let us know if you change the name of any character in the FC, including alts. Your username in the Discord server must include some identifiable part of the name of your main character in the FC, or we will change your server nickname to your main character's name for you. "Secret" alts and sockpuppet accounts are not permitted. Discord users or characters we cannot identify may be removed.

Rule 002.

  • FC Chest & Refunds

You are welcome to take anything you need from the FC chest, but please do not take anything to resell. If you take from the FC chest, please donate in the future when you are able. If you do not yet have withdrawal privileges from the chest, contact an FC leader if there is anything you need/want. Use the FC chest as your personal bank or to transfer items at your own risk--anything in the FC chest can be withdrawn by others at any time. Gil and items that are deposited in the FC chest or donations that are made to the FC are non-refundable, as is the gil spent on your FC rooms and any furniture that is destroyed during removal or demolition.

Role Play Rules

Rules that apply solely or specifically to full members of our in game free company who engage in RP in game or in our Discord server. Some rules may apply in part to Discord guests and attendees of our RP events at the leadership's discretion.

Rule 001.

  • No metagaming

Do not have your character use knowledge they haven't learned or shouldn't know IC. It's okay to have a certain direction in mind for your RP, but do not use meta knowledge to force the flow of the RP for a desired outcome to an extreme degree.

Rule 003.

  • Lore-friendly

Do not directly go against the lore and established laws of the FFXIV universe or bend them beyond belief or rational explanation. However, lore may be bent to an explainable and minimal degree for the sake of more engaging characters and storylines, or filling in gaps not currently covered by the game's lore. You are welcome to make up your own lore and headcanons that do not conflict with anything presented in game.

Rule 005.

  • IC =/= OOC

Do not take IC or OOC criticisms or reactions to your character personally. On the flip side, do not assume someone has certain traits, behaviors, or beliefs OOC just because their character displays them IC. Do not use your RP character as a medium to take out OOC aggression on another player via their RP character. We have no tolerance for members who blur IC and OOC. It is strongly recommended that you do not play a "self-insert" character or base your RP character heavily on yourself, as it can perpetuate these issues. Please use a third-person perspective rather than a first-person "I's" and "you's" in writing your RP posts, as the latter can make others uncomfortable.

Rule 007.

  • IC conflict is not a bad thing

Betrayal, violence, arguing, and struggles of life and death with others or the environment are likely to happen in our stories. You will need to be prepared OOC for the potential of this. Any "infighting" that may happen within FC RP is purely IC and should not result in anyone taking sides OOC. We expect our members to be mature enough to handle any IC strife without allowing it to upset and influence them OOC.

Rule 009.

  • ERP only in private & with consent

Do not ERP with anyone who you are not absolutely certain is 18+ OOC. If you are a minor, you will be expected not to engage in any ERP. Do not make erotic posts toward anyone who has not given their consent to ERP. Do not try to coerce, force, or guilt others into ERP or sexual contact with your character, or solicit strangers randomly for ERP. Do not ERP in public channels; any ERP should happen discreetly and privately (this includes not having your characters suggestively posed together and scantily clad in a public location). Lock the door to your private chambers or personal house if any RP of a sexual nature is happening there. Keep your mods SFW if you have Mare active in public areas.

Rule 011.

  • Retcon only when necessary

It will be your responsibility when you retcon to inform the FC and your contacts about the details of your retcon, such as what is now canon or noncanon. This includes fantasias with any drastic appearance changes and IC name or race changes. Only make fantasia usage IC when necessary and do it sparingly, if not avoid it entirely. "Someone poured a fantasia into my glass at the Quicksand" is not an accepted reason. Keep in mind any changes made to your character after their approval to the FC still must comply with FC rules.

Rule 013.

  • No ERP alts

Characters who exist solely for the purpose of ERP will not be permitted, especially those who were made primarily to broadcast a certain fetish in even SFW RP, who sexualize minors or anyone's RL identity, or who otherwise showcase harmful tropes (futanari, "traps," shotacon, lolicon, racial caricatures, etc.).

Rule 002.

  • IC actions = IC consequences

Your character's actions may provoke a broad range of reactions from other characters. You should be prepared for this OOC. If you don't want your character to be received or reacted to in a certain way, then it is up to you to ensure that your character does not act in a way that will lead that direction.

Rule 004.

  • No powerplaying

Your character cannot be flawless, perfect, "the best" at something, better than everyone around them at everything, immensely stronger than the average player character, and in general cannot be designed to be superior to other characters. We believe role-play is about the story, not about winning or losing, or one-upping others. Characters should be well-rounded, flawed, believable, and generally on the same level as the characters around them.

Rule 006.

  • Ask consent first

You should not attempt to have your character kill, make sexual advances toward, or permanently scar/maim another player character without first politely and privately contacting the other player to ask for their OOC consent. On the other hand, do not abuse this privilege by having your character frequently cheat death and injury. Respect this privilege by not putting your character in situations where they would logically be killed or wounded when you OOC will not permit it to happen. Be sure to ask consent before making any RP post that may be upsetting to someone OOC (graphic violence, detailed torture scene, gratuitous gore, strong sexual implications, etc.).

Rule 008.

  • Don't feed "trolls"

If you encounter anyone being disruptive to your RP, you may politely ask them to stop. If they refuse, we ask that you do not become rude to them or continue to respond to them. Responding and getting upset is only "feeding" their bad behavior. Ignore them, report them if needed, and blacklist them if you would like. If you can get screenshots of their behavior, the FC leaders may be able to speak with the leadership of their FC to address the problem.

Rule 010.

  • No auto-hitting/god-modding

Your character should not make possibly unwanted physical contact (be it an attack, a kiss, etc.) with another character without first giving that character a chance to resist, dodge, or block the contact. Unless it has been specified otherwise OOC, leave it to the other player to decide whether the contact connects with their character or to make a roll for it if they wish. However, do not abuse this privilege. Your character should only avoid contact when it's feasible. If you and the other RPer cannot seem to agree on what contact should or shouldn't connect or what actions are believable, find a compromise, such as choosing to roll dice for attacks, or simply end the RP.

Rule 012.

  • Do not disrupt RP events

If there is a planned RP event happening, whether it is an FC event or a server-wide RP event hosted by us or anyone else, please do not disrupt it. This is not limited to just "trolling," but also IC disruptions such as your character attacking someone at the event, having a loud outburst, or falling seriously ill (unless you have the event host's permission beforehand), or by interrupting busy event staff/hosts OOC with questions or IC requests that could wait until later. Please take into consideration scheduled FC events when finding a time for your own events/RP. Do not try to draw characters to your RP if an FC RP event is in progress (i.e. do not have your character be kidnapped and call for help over the linkpearl during the middle of a Teatime event) unless you have received permission from the FC leadership beforehand.

Voice Chat Rules

Rules that apply to any members of our Discord who wish to engage in voice chat in our server.

Rule 001.

  • Use an appropriate volume

Please try to speak and/or set your mic at an adequate volume. Others should not be straining to hear you or having to lower your volume.

Rule 003.

  • Try to minimize background noise

Even if you are using push-to-talk, it can still be difficult to hear you or distracting if there is too much background noise.

Rule 005.

  • Give others a chance to speak

Try to refrain from any long, rambling speech or constant interjections that don't allow others the chance to chime in.

Rule 002.

  • Push-to-talk encouraged

If you cannot use push-to-talk, please adjust your mic sensitivity so it is only activating when you are speaking and not picking up background noise or other sounds such as chewing or typing.

Rule 004.

  • Don't talk over or interrupt others

Please be mindful of when others are trying to speak. If there are two separate conversations going on at once, one party should consider changing to a different voice channel.

Rule 006.

  • No yelling

Exclamations are okay when you're excited, but we don't want to hear you screaming about a dungeon wipe or taking a hostile tone with other members.

Breaking any rule can result in removal from the FC & Discord, sometimes even immediate and without warning if rules have been broken repeatedly or with enough severity. FC leadership will make these decisions at our own discretion and reserve the right to remove any player found in violation at any time. These rules apply to anything/anywhere FC related, and extend to your interactions outside of the FC in the XIV community. These rules may be updated at any time. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the rules, please contact the FC leader. If you have a concern about an FC member, please privately alert an FC officer as soon as possible. Please provide SCREENSHOTS or other evidence if possible!


  • Balmung, Crystal DC


  • US eastern time based

  • Lavender Beds mansion

  • Submarines & airships

  • FC buffs & chest access

  • Discord, Fellowship, & Linkshells

  • Morally grey

  • 16+/18+ age requirements

  • Med-heavy RP

  • Weekly events


Teatime <<Tea>> is a med-heavy, morally grey role-play free company. We strive to take our role-play seriously and everything else lightly. We provide a space for role-players who are mature and take initiative to get plots moving, create events, and find role-play. We seek members who enjoy role-play with depth, complex characters, artistic writing, and an approach to lore that is both flexible but respectful to the setting and canon; who look for more in their stories than romance and ERP; and who are considerate to other role-players around them.


  •   Leader    Faye Covington

  •   Officers    Grey Spring, Ato Meme, Sarantsatsral Kha, Raisan Arcmantle

For any questions or concerns, please contact the FC leader on Discord: DearlyDestiny


Tea Party Fellowship
The Tea Party is an open Fellowship for our FC and friends on the Crystal Data Center to track our upcoming events, share announcements, and network. Search for “The Tea Party” using the Fellowship Finder under the Social Menu. We're tagged under RP Fellowships.
Teatime Discord Server
Our Discord is open not just to FC members but to prospective members, attendees of our events, and friends of the FC. To join, please contact a member of our leadership for an invite.


  •   Chefs & Cooks    Bake and cook the food served at Shroudrose Teahouse!

  •   Bartenders & Servers    Staff our teahouse & speakeasy to serve guests tea, cocktails, and food!

  •   Bards & Performers    Perform on stage during our events and entertain our guests with music and dance!

  •   Houaehold Staff & Groundskeepers    Help with daily operations, cleaning, and upkeep of the establishment!

  •   Gatherers & Farmers    Supply the ingredients for our teas, drinks, and food!

  •   Traders & Suppliers    Provide us with goods and supplies we need in our operations!

  •   Guards & Security    Keep the peace and protect our staff and patrons alike, in the teahouse or perhaps in some more clandestine ventures!

  •   Couriers & Transporters    Safely transport our supplies to us, and our goods to various markets and customers!

  •   Researchers & Consultants    Provide the information brokering side of the business with information on topics of your expertise!

  •   Spies & Investigators    Retrieve information needed for our information brokering clients!

  RECRUITMENT    Teatime is a relaxed role-play free company looking to grow. In order to keep a laidback environment and ensure our numbers remain manageable, we are selective in our membership, as we know our free company is not the perfect fit for everyone and vice-versa. We are trying to maintain a group of individuals with a similar focus, who we feel will complement each other and be comfortable in our free company.Please be aware that though the free company may be morally grey, our in character membership and theme are not exactly evil, or entirely illegal or immoral. Characters who are openly very villainous and antagonistic or invite many legal troubles upon the establishment may not be a good fit for this free company (though we are happy to let this play out however it may IC if you are aware and on board).We are seeking members who are mature and independent, who can take initiative and hold accountability for themselves. We are looking for passionate and talented role-players (even if new and still learning!) who take their writing seriously, and who do not focus their role-play exclusively on romance and ERP. We are looking for members who are fun and relaxed OOC, who fall into the pleasant middle-ground of both having a sense of humor but remaining considerate of others. Please check out our rules, and if you feel you can abide by them and agree to them, feel free to apply to our free company.Our application process for free company membership consists of a brief general OOC application section followed by a short RP application section. Please have patience, as the application may take a day or two for us to review and discuss. Please contact us with any questions regarding our FC or the application process.


Shroudrose Teahouse & Speakeasy

Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58
Northeast Subdivision Aetheryte
Balmung Server, Crystal Data Center

Within the Lavender Beds of the Twelveswood, with a cliffside at its back and a flowing stream beneath the small bridge that marks its entrance is nestled a large mansion with a finely manicured yard in the fifth ward Lavender Northeast subdivision. Once housing a rowdy free company of adventurers many summers ago, it now serves as the site of the Shroudrose Teahouse and Speakeasy, a teahouse and upscale bar and lounge serving everything from specialty tea blends, to a wide array of spirits and cocktails, to light meals and snacks both sweet and savory.Shroudrose Teahouse and Speakeasy is our free company estate, a large mansion in the Lavender Beds. The free company house is a public role-play space where anyone is welcome to come role-play at any time, and can be used as a venue for events with some prior discussion. To stop by when there is a crowd and the place is staffed by player characters, please see our Events section. If you wish to role-play in the teahouse outside of our event hours, you can assume NPC staff take care of your characters, or you can contact us and we will have a character come assist you if possible. Feel free to come take a look at our decor, and leave a message in the Guest Book, if you please!

Main Floor

The teahouse is grand yet cozy, the smell of herbs, spices, and pastries lingering upon the air of this quiet and tranquil place. Just inside the entrance, you will find the armoire, where you will be expected to deposit any and all weapons. The main floor features the teahouse of name, where you can enjoy a fresh, piping hot cup of tea with whatever fixings you desire. Ordinary teas of all varieties are available, along with Shroudrose’s specialty loose-leaf blends, which can also be purchased to enjoy at home, as well as sweets and snacks to go with your tea. You may order whatever you please from the staff behind the counter to the right of the grand staircase.


Upstairs on the left wing is a tiny, somewhat private Sylphic-themed banquet room for those who prefer a more quiet and intimate space, or if who have come with a medium-sized party in tow. Behind it are two traditional far eastern themed tearooms for those who seek a distinct Hingan flare. On the right wing is a small library with a modest collection of books on all manner of appropriate subjects, along with cozy seating and ample workspace. Feel free to enjoy a cup of tea as you study or work, or curl up in the book nook loft to lounge in peace and comfort while you enjoy a good read.


Downstairs in the basement is the speakeasy lounge and bar, home to Happy Hour events each moon where the drinks are rivaled only by the company will you find. Pass the time with a game of Triple Triad, darts, or billiards. The back of the speakeasy is lined with private VIP booths, available only to exclusive clientele escorted there by the staff. While the speakeasy possesses an upscale ambience, the spirits and cocktails will suit anyone's palate. But if those VIP booths have caught your eye or if you're more thirsty for knowledge than drinks, you'll have to know the right words to say.

Personal Chambers

At the back of the main floor between the two staircases is set a door leading to a hallway of Shroudrose’s personal rooms, as well as our airship dock and workshop. Some of these rooms are offices, some our employees’ private quarters, and some are open facilities. Please read over the notes upon each door, follow any instructions given, and be respectful of our employees’ spaces. Knock before entering any personal spaces and mind the locked the doors.


In Character

  • You may be cut off from being served alcoholic beverages if you are overly intoxicated.

  • Smoking is only permitted downstairs in the speakeasy.

  • No weapons past the entryway. Deposit them in the armoire.

  • You may be held accountable for any property damage.

  • No illegal or inappropriate activity.

  • Any guest who is being disruptive in any way may be escorted off the property, forcefully if necessary, and potentially banned either temporarily or permanently.

Out of Character

  • If there are no player characters present to serve you, please assume an NPC is staffing the teahouse or bar.

  • If you visit the teahouse outside of our event times, you can contact us and we will have a player character attend you if possible.

  • You are welcome to use the teahouse as an RP location at anytime, please just ensure your RP is appropriate to a setting that is public and all-ages both IC and OOC.

  • Please be respectful of both our staff and your fellow patrons!

  • If you would like to use our venue for an event (public performance, eternal bonding reception, private dinner, etc.), please contact us and we will be glad to arrange something.

Our Events


Join us at 7:00 PM eastern time on the first and third Monday of each month (and fifth Monday, if applicable) at the Shroudrose Teahouse and Speakeasy, located at Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58 nearest the Lavender Northeast Subdivision aetheryte. Come try Shroudrose’s specialty blends of tea! Enjoy a cup in our tearooms on the main floor and second floor (including our far eastern themed rooms), or purchase some to brew at home! You can always cozy up in our library to read or get some work done while you enjoy a cuppa. Snacks and treats will be available to compliment your tea.

    Happy Hour

    Visit Teatime's Shroudrose Speakeasy & Lounge at our monthly Happy Hour for an evening of drinks and good company. Shroudrose Speakeasy seeks to provide a bar environment that is both relaxed and refined, an upscale establishment where you can socialize or see to your own business affairs with discretion. If our imbibements don't strike your fancy, rumors are Shroudrose information brokering and private investigation services are available to those know the right way to ask. Join us on the last Thursday of each month at 8:00 PM eastern time at Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58 on the Balmung server in the speakeasy downstairs.

      These are our regularly scheduled public RP events. We sometimes host one-off events both private and public, or participate in events hosted by other groups on the NA data centers, as well. Our public events are open to anyone and everyone! Come visit and bring a friend!

      We are a gil-free establishment! No actual in-game gil is ever required. All transactions are purely IC items for IC gil. Tips are always appreciated, but never expected.

      Investigation & Information Services

        SPILL THE TEA...    Tea can loosen lips just as well as the strongest of spirits. There is always gossip to be overheard within the walls of Shroudrose Teahouse. If you are interested in hiring us to make use of our information brokering and private investigation services, or if you have your own promising information to offer, please reach out to one of our employees to arrange a meeting, or visit one of our Happy Hour openings and give the password to one of our staff.

      A - Quick Info

      Looking to quickly move your story along? Seeking some general knowledge an information brokerage might know off hand?

      • 1 RP session

      • Your character will request and receive the information within the same RP session.

      • Please be prepared with the information OOC. Pass the information along to us, and our characters will relay the information to your character.

      • We can make up an answer for your character ourselves if you prefer, but we recommend being as specific as possible, as we don’t know what you may have in mind for the direction of your RP.

      B - Retrieval

      Looking for more niche or specific information? Wanting to enjoy some more in-depth RP with the employees of the Shroudrose and make some connections?

      • 2 or more RP sessions

      • Your character will request information in the initial RP session and receive the information in a later RP session after an IC investigation has been concluded.

      • If requested, we can let you know what steps and measures our investigators would have taken and you can likewise let us know about anything our characters would encounter. You can alternatively DM this as an event with our investigators, if requested.

      • Please be prepared with the information OOC before the final session. Pass the information along to us, and our characters will relay the information to your character.

      • We can make up an answer for your character ourselves if you prefer, but we recommend being as specific as possible, as we don’t know what you may have in mind for the direction of your RP.

      C - Investigation

      Looking for information regarding an actual player character, group, or venue?

      • 2 or more RP sessions

      • Your character will request information in the initial RP session and receive the information in a later RP session after an IC investigation has been concluded.

      • In the name of transparency, it is possible the player character(s) involved may be informed of the investigation OOC. We may also ask you to provide contact information or arrange a meeting/conversation if we are having trouble doing so ourselves.

      • Given the variable of a third party, we cannot guarantee results, or the speed or accuracy of any information obtained.

      What You Need To Know

      • We are a lore-friendly FC. We do not mind some lore-bending, but we ask that any requests brought to us have a believable level of lore-adherence and power scaling.

      • Please let us know in advance if your request will involve any mature or potentially upsetting content.

      • While we often deal in grey territory and rub shoulders with some questionable characters, the Shroudrose is not a crime den. Your character’s request may be denied IC if it is deemed too dangerous, too immortal, too illegal, or is a conflict of interest... or your character might just be sold out to a higher bidder instead!

      • We reserve the right to decline your request OOC if we find it to be too lore-breaking, inappropriate, or in bad faith toward other players OOC.

      • We are here for enjoying and facilitating RP and for that reason only. Our services will never require an exchange of real gil. Any payment requested will be IC only.

      Shroudrose Cocktails

        The Shroudrose    Enjoy a taste of our teahouse with a tavern twist. This vodka drink encapsulates the spirit of Shroudrose with a specialty blend of white rose tea, sweet vermouth, fresh galago mint leaves, and aromatic bitters, garnished with honey and edible rose petal confetti.

        Phoenix 75    There is more than just cider for the discerning apple lover. Mirror apple juice, apple brandy, and gin comprise this sparkling drink, sweetened with maple syrup, and a dash of honey lemon juice and La Noscean orange juice, garnished with a slice of lime.

        Dragon's Breath    There is no dragon blood in this drink, just whiskey! No risk of dravanian transformations, only a cinnamon and dragonpepper bite as fierce as a dragon's maw and as hot as their fiery breath, garnished with a cinnamon-sugar rim and a cinnamon stick. This drink puts hair on your chest, then sears it right off.

        Revelry    This vibrant blue drink has a kick that will make you rejoice. Rum, vodka, gin, pixie plum juice, furymint, and sun lemon juice make up this sparkling cocktail for resilient souls, garnished with a rim of rolanberry flavored sugar. After a glass of this, you’ll be feeling wild and pure and forever free.

        Seeker Sunrise    A generous pour of bourbon in sweet La Noscean orange juice with a sweet-tart finish of blood currant syrup, garnished with an orange slice. This deceptively strong, tropical drink is popular among young adventurers in Costa del Sol.

        Diamond Dust    Keep it chill with this pastel blue, slushy drink with light rum, coconut cream, pixie plum juice, and prickly pineapple juice, the rim dusted with coconut (snow)flakes. Kick up your heels and let it all go with this ice-cold drink.

        Landslide    A decadent swirl of chocolate vodka, cream liqueur, coffee liqueur, chocolate liqueur, and chocolate ice cream is doused in chocolate syrup and topped with whipped cream and chocolate chips, rim garnished with chocolate syrup and sprinkles. This drink is so rich, it might knock you out of the arena.

        Esuna    This refreshing drink combines gin, rose water, one egg white, aloe juice, a squeeze of honey lemon juice, and muddled cucumber, sweetened with powdered sugar and garnished with a slice of cucumber. It’s sure to cleanse you of your troubles and cure your ills!

        Lakshmi’s Bliss    You’ll be charmed by this blissful, frozen blend of rye whiskey, prickly pineapple juice, fresh heavens lemon juice, orgeat dashes, and anise and mint bitters, garnished with a prickly pineapple leaf and heavens lemon wheel.

        Bloody Fuller    Rejoice in the glory of blood orange juice, gin, sun lemon juice, and a dash of nopales nectar, garnished with a blood orange slice and a sprig of thyme, with a rim of salt and paprika, blooming red with conviction.

      Are you more thirsty for knowledge than drinks?

      Are you looking for something?

      You've heard the rumors. That the unassuming teahouse in the woods hides something more, something you would never expect among all the pinks and pastels and pastries. The speakeasy in the basement is a welcome surprise, but you know that isn't the real secret. It's close, though. It's impossible to miss the VIP booths in the back, exclusive and elite, roped off from the common patrons and clearly reserved for special clientele. You've seen other guests walk up to the bar, exchanging hushed words with the staff before they are lead by an employee to one of the enclosed booths where the curtains close and their voices fade, disappearing for a bell or two with only the coming and going of a server delivering drinks and removing empty glasses. But you've come here for a reason, and you have the right words now. Maybe a trusted friend confided them to you. Maybe you slipped some gil to the right person. Maybe you eavesdropped, you kindred spirit, you. There's tea you want spilled. You approach the bar, voice lowering to little more than a whisper as you speak to the bartender... and ask for the  triple-steeped lavender.